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Our Curriculum


Our Bible-based curriculum is interwoven with our "thematic" curriculum and provides experiences through Christian music, prayers, Bible stories, Bible verses, life application stories, and discussions of Christian values and principles that are appropriate for young children.  Christian holidays are also celebrated in ways appropriate for young children.

Children need time to "be children."  While providing fun and play time, our curriculum also provides experiences and activities that encourage:


  • Language Development

  • Academic Readiness

  • Daily Math

  • Daily Phonics

  • Daily Science

  • Creativity

  • Large/Small Motor Skills

  • Exploration and Discovery

  • Social Interaction

  • Writing/Pre-writing

Christ is the core of our curriculum.

Theme-Based Monthly Curriculum

September - Welcome to School, Manners, Health Habits, Five Senses

October - Autumn, Nocturnal Animals

November - Nutrition, Native People, Thanksgiving

December - Christmas, Family, Jesus's Birthday

January - Transportation, Space, Winter, Snowmen

February - Valentine's Day, Community Helpers

March - Jungle Animals, Zoo

April - Spring, Easter, Baby Animals

May - Fiesta, Growing our Garden

June - Water Safety, Pirates, Beach

July to August - Special summer programs for all



We encourage the growth of self-esteem, social skills, and creativity while developing meaningful relationships. 


Our Children develop resilience while learning to be good friends, find their voices, and to take personal responsibility. 

Kindergarten Guide

Welcome each day with the joy and wonder of a child.

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