Our Christian Preschool
St. Paul's Lutheran Preschool strives to create a warm and loving Christian community for your child. We encourage your child to have active involvement with the physical environment, learn to be self-sufficient, solve problems, interact with peers in positive ways, and thrive in all areas of development.
Our hope is that your child will begin to find his or her own unique potential through experiences at St. Paul's.
Each day begins with a Bible story, the calendar, alphabet, phonic sounds, and the pledge. Our day continues with snack time, math, writing, recess, and art that go along with our themes for the month. There is no screen time at St. Paul’s . . . we read a lot of books and teach by personally interacting with your child!
Child Safety
We believe in strong security! Our classrooms and play areas are physically secured and monitored by an integrated video surveillance system that maintains video recordings for review in case of any emergency. Only those with the security code can enter the building. The safety of your child is very important to us and our play areas are fully protected.
Our Staff
We are blessed to have a warm and loving staff, with each teacher having many years of experience. We have small student-to-teacher ratios and the staff is devoted to helping your child thrive in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment.
Check out our YELP reviews to see what parents have to say about our staff!
Our Christian Beliefs
We believe in the one true God of the Bible who has revealed himself primarily in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus is God himself in human flesh. Thus, we also believe in the Holy Trinity, one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe the main message of Scripture is one of mercy and grace, in which God freely forgives sinners because of what Jesus has accomplished through his death and resurrection. Jesus came to save sinners, paid our debt on the cross, and conquered the grave on our behalf. We cannot earn anything from God by our good deeds or spiritual efforts; rather, the finished work of Christ guarantees salvation for everyone who believes.

Give us a call:
What We Offer
-Christ-centered education
-Experienced teachers
-Full day option
-Hours 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
-Open all year
-Ages 2 - 5
-Weekly Chapel
-Year-round enrollment

A child is a gift from God.
What parents say...
"My son attended this school for 3 school years and loved it. Their curriculum is great and prepared him for Kindergarten a little too well. He was so bored with Kindergarten that he started to not want to go to school! We NEVER had that problem while he attended St. Paul's. Their teachers and staff are caring people and it translates over to the kids. I love that they put prayer and Jesus in their curriculum as well! I miss the school and if they had an elementary school, I'd have my lil guy enrolled there.
Thumbs up all around to this school and their staff!"
-Carryne L.
YELP review April 26, 2015
"We first discovered St Pauls in 2009 when our eldest daughter was 3 years old. She attended until she started kinder in Sept 2012. She loved going to school there and was really sad when she moved on. Our 2nd daughter has been attending St. Paul's for the past few years and will be moving on to kinder this fall. Like her big sister, she loves going to this school. It's so bittersweet that we won't be having any children attend in the future but we will visit! The staff is so loving and caring. We love what they teach our children and how much truly care for them. They are family to us. If you're looking for a great preschool that not only teaches school basics but also great morals and values this is the preschool for you!"
Rachelle O.
YELP review July 30, 2017